My name is Marc;
at the moment I am living in Switzerland
Due to my travels I have started photography in 2014 to capture a little of this planet's beauty.
Now I photograph weddings, do portrait- and model shots, but also travel photography.
So, the series "Salz der Erde" (Salt of the earth) came into existance not with models, but by dealing with every day people whom I met; in some
cases just for a couple of minutes; whereas in other cases friendships were born and photo series followed.
Photography is a passion; in my professional life I am a doctor. Due to my travels I did not only start photography, but I came into contact with people from poor regions and so I have started a little project by providing medical material to a small region on the Philippines. If someone wants to do something good by providing material or money, which does not evaporates in some administration of whatever project, but which is invested 100% to strengthen local structures (health centers, birth clinics and hospitals), I am happy to hearing from you, by E- Mail or telephone.
Marc André Schwindt
Mail: marc.andre.schwindt@gmail.com
Tel.: +41 79341 2774